This is a basic web server, which supports the base HTTP/1.0 protocol. It is not complete in its current form. You need to edit the method $network.handle_request() to add your own behaviour. ColdWeb is NOT CGI, it surpasses the need for CGI, which is simply an interface for calling a command-line program from a web server. Information on the connection is available from .handle_request() through the following object vars: header = #[]; // HTTP header information method = ""; // HTTP method GET|POST|HEAD currently http = ""; // HTTP version status = 0; // exit status, set this to a valid exit status URL = ""; // the submitted HTTP url, parsed info = #[]; // 'argument' info submitted with POST or GET The file 'config' is a configuration file for the web server, you need to start it up so the server will find the config file, such as: ./genesis -r . Which sets the root directory to this directory. I realize this documentation is rather minimalistic. If you need help connect to as a guest and ask me. Also, follow the method calls starting from .parse()--it helps to understand what is occuring. -Brandon Gillespie-