What is it?

C3DS Community Edition is a patched version of the Docking Station engine to fix various long-standing bugs and introduce some shiny new features. (See also: Creatures 1 Community Edition and Creatures 2 Community Edition)

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the latest engine.
  2. Open the README.txt file for your particular platform for further instructions.

Engine Downloads

Current Version: 1 beta 4
              Released: 2024-04-05

Other Downloads

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Your website is hideous.
A: Thank you!

Q: Everything is teeny tiny! How do I zoom in?
A: While you can't zoom in, you can set a scaling option. See the README.txt file in your download for instructions on how to do high DPI scaling.

Q: Where is the game data stored in macOS?
Q: Game data is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/C3DS. The easiest way to get there from Finder is to click the Go menu, click Go to Folder, and paste the path in. Don't forget the first tilde (~)!

Q: Will you implement feature X?
A: Maybe. It's worth asking on Discord! I already have a lengthy TODO list, but we'll see.

Q: Why should I trust you?!
A: You shouldn't! I'm an internet stranger. I would advise, at the very least, checking the patched executable with VirusTotal.com.

Q: Creatures 3 for free?! Noice!
A: Erm, no. You still need to own a legitimate copy of the game.

What exactly has changed?

BUILD 1 (In Progress)
- Various fixes required to natively support builds on modern macOS (Apple Silicon + Intel), Windows (64-bit), and Linux.
- Fixed hover animations.
- The `RTIF` CAOS command now works correctly cross-platform.
- The `RTIF` CAOS command now supports times up to the year 2106 (previously would have rolled over after 2038).
- The `ADDM` CAOS command now enforces the metaroom limit. This fixes a crash when you have too many metarooms.
- The `ADDR` CAOS command now enforces the room limit. This fixes a crash when you have too many rooms.
- Fix a bug where organs would always start with the maximum possible life force. Now they properly use the genetically defined value.
- Fix a bug where the chance and degree of mutation during a natural conception were not properly taken into account.
- Fix several neuroemitter bugs. They should now actually work.
- Fix a bug with CA links overwriting room types. (This fixes the 'Wasteland Glitch')
- Fix a potential issue parsing C16 files.
- Returning from fullscreen to windowed mode in Windows (DirectX) should no longer cause image corruption. (Beta 1-2 only.)

- Fullscreen now chooses the maximum supported resolution by default (rather than 800x600).
- Replaced the old random number generator with one that has a much higher period.
- Added a user.cfg option called "FullscreenResolution" to set the desired fullscreen resolution. (e.g. 'FullscreenResolution 1920x1080')
- Added the GAME variable 'engine_chattiness_chance', which is a percentage chance that creatures will respond with their opinion.
- Add an EAME variable, `engine_community_edition`, that will return the current Community Edition build number.
- Increase the maximum room limit to 50,000 and the maximum metaroom limit to 5,000.
- New netbabel module (thanks to Anonymous Benefactor!)
- Windows builds will automatically determine if a 'split install' (e.g. saving your worlds in Documents\Creatures) is necessary. If you want to control this behavior yourself, you can add `SplitDirectory` to your user.cfg. Set to 1 to force the usage of Documents.
- Added the game variable `engine_mute_options` to store the last mute settings for the sound and music managers between sessions.
- Modified the volume scale in the SDL engine to transition more gradually between volume levels.
- Add clipboard support to macOS (with CMD-C and CMD-V).
- If clipboard support isn't found or fails to initialize properly, the engine will now continue to run instead of failing.
- Windows builds (as of beta 3) now use the SDL renderer. This allows the engine to be 64-bit and removes the need to run in 16-bit color compatibility mode.
- Window scaling behavior can now be customized through sdl12-compat environment variables. See README.txt for more information.
- Re-add clipboard paste and error dialogs in Linux.
- Removed the need for Linux to lowercase all game files.
- Improved the performance of cameras (particularly the world wrap variety).
- Updated VatKit to v1.10.2. It should now connect properly to running brains and has some visual fixes.

NOTE: It's recommended to start a new world. Existing worlds may, or may not, work correctly.